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Chicago Window Replacement Process

Comfortable sitting room adorned with carefully positioned windows, allowing soft natural light to enhance the cozy atmosphere. HXHome Solutions blends functionality and style for your ideal living space

Replacing windows may not be the most glamorous remodeling project or the first remodeling project a homeowner would typically think of. A window replacement mostly only happens when you want to give your home a major makeover or if something goes wrong. However, it can make a big difference not only in aesthetics and heating […]

What are Vinyl Windows?

Tranquil bedroom featuring strategically placed windows, inviting natural light to create a serene atmosphere. HXHome Solutions prioritizes both comfort and aesthetic appeal in every living space.

Doing renovations and remodeling your home is a great way to boost its appearance & value, and with new windows often being a quick and easy upgrade, many homeowners wind up asking themselves “what are vinyl windows?” Vinyl is one of the choices for window framing materials that homeowners can choose, and as with any […]

What to Know Before Your Chicagoland Window Replacement

Window Replacement

Sooner or later, it’ll be time for your Chicagoland home’s window replacement. Window replacement is inevitable, and older homes may need multiple windows replaced simultaneously to ensure energy efficiency and safety. Still, it’s best not to jump into a window replacement appointment without having all your ducks in a row and your eyes fully open. […]

What is Rubber Roofing and Why is it Better?

Rubber roofing

Rubber roofing is one of the biggest innovations in roofing materials since the asphalt shingle. Just like common roofing materials like metal and composites, rubber can be molded into almost any texture to mimic other materials like wood. One of the leading brands of rubber roofing in North America is EuroShield which is based in […]

Why You Should Consider Having New Window Installation this Year

Chicago Provia Windows Company

When you feel a draft or want to boost your home’s market value, it might be time to think about window replacements for your house. In fact, many homeowners could benefit from replacing several windows… but it can be tough to tell if new window installation is really necessary. Today, let’s break down some key […]

What Type of Material is Used for Commercial Roofing

As a business owner or property manager, you know that keeping your roof in good repair is essential, and if it’s time for a roofing material upgrade, you’re probably wondering what type of material is used for commercial roofing in general, and which type might be best for your specific circumstance. This can be a […]

Ask These Questions Before Hiring a Chicagoland Siding Contractor

chicagoland siding contractor added blue siding to this beautiful home

Getting new siding is an exterior upgrade that can not only result in a better-looking home, but a dry home for years to come and a higher home valuation as well, and the right Chicagoland siding contractor can help you get the results you want. What many people struggle with, however, is choosing the right […]

What is Stone Veneer for Your Home?

Stone Veneer on the outside of a home

When looking at your options for a protective and aesthetically pleasing exterior veneer or siding, you’ve probably seen or at least heard of stone veneer being mentioned and then wondered just what is stone veneer. Knowing what it is and how it compares to other options, even natural stone, can help you make the right […]

Determining Your Exterior Remodeling Purpose & Goals

stunning exterior remodeling job on a dark blue home in chicago, IL.

Exterior remodeling — whether out of a need to repair damages or the want to improve your home — is a pretty big undertaking. And just like every big undertaking, determining what your purpose and goals are first is just as crucial as implementing them. So before you get started, ask yourself this: why do […]

The Importance of Gutters & Gutter Guards in Chicagoland

Roof on a Chicago, IL home - white with grey shingles and gutter guards

Gutters and gutters guards in Chicagoland are an important part of a building’s exterior and a necessary addition to the its construction. With the amount of rain that you have in your particular area—like in Illinois which has some pretty strong, heavy rains that come in pretty quickly—gutters and gutter guards in Chicagoland should be […]